JavaScript Cafe Challenge

JavaScript Cafe Challenge

Welcome to the JavaScript Cafe! Joseph will step you through building an app where you can fulfil orders for customers that are generated when you interact with the page.

Time Box

JavaScript Cafe3 hours

Fork the repo

  1. Visit the JavaScript Cafe repository on GitHub. Click the Fork button in the top right to create your own copy of this repo.
  2. From your command line, clone your copy of the repo down to your computer. The terminal command will look something like git clone
  3. Open the cloned javascript-cafe folder in your code editor.
  4. Read the for further info on this challenge.


  1. Watch this video. We suggest you do the exercise as you watch the video.

Remember to save your progress and frequently use git add -A and git commit -m "your message" (with a more meaningful message) throughout the exercise.

  1. Once you have finished working on this exercise, remember to add, commit, and push your work to GitHub.